Thursday, September 3, 2015

Catching up with projects.

Haven't blogged in a couple weeks, here's what I've been up to.

I finally finished the harlequins. Here we have the last two and the Solitare. Just flock and paint the rim of the base and done done.

Group shot

Here we have my executioners that had been based on 25s, and I didn't feel like completely rebasing. These are the converter rings from secret weapon miniatures. You see the two on the wood litko bases on the bottom right. I tried just cutting away the rim and plopping them on there as they have very little debris like the rest. There a test. The rings didn't get snug like I wanted so there will be a lot of little gap filling with them. I'll have to turn this into a future post when I start work on them.

The pieces to a krios battle tank, and an unhelpful minion.

One of the now fully assembled castellax automata.

Lastly I have been working on an illustrated logo for my friend MP Johnson's first publishing venture. Finished with a whole day to spare. This is right before digital clean up. First fully drawing I've done in months, really have to correct that.

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