Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Dreadnoughts in the snow

A friend ended up with with guy just assembled and thought I could paint it, and he would see about selling it on the internet. 

Here we have a base coated model ready for detail work.

Jump ahead all the way you see the model just before getting its fresh blanket of snow

And here we have the finished model with gale force 9 snow. Now let's see how much Jake can get for this guy.

And a preview of what's to start coming as Adepticon nears.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Stormwolf process

I have finished my stormwolf, and now you can join me on a trip through its construction.

Here I have all of the pieces laid out in the state at which I will begin painting them in. 

I found I was unsure of how the aircraft was to sit a top the flight stand. Just inserting them together left it lop sided, and drooping. So I rigged up this sprue stop, or whatever you would call this. I then pinned the stand so it would insert with the model with some more support.

Here we see the iron priest finished in his cockpit all ready to take off, he had to wait a while though still.

Now with the control panel finished I was ready to insert the pilot into the top panel of the stormwolf.

With this part done I will now paint the inside of the cargo hold. Once that's finished I will be able to seal up the body of model and begin painting the rest of the model.

Imperial vehicles make your best friend the humble rubber band. I covered the canopy with tape, and have not yet glued it in place. This will be one of the last steps. It is blue tacked in place right now.

Here is a shot of the interior, I forgot to get one earlier.

Jump some time ahead. I have all the base colors, and washes done. Now on to highlights, and weathering. You can see what I've done with the base using a two part epoxy I got to try out from a wonderful Smooth On employee who was running their booth last year at adepticon. I cut out two layers of foam core, then penciled on an outline. After seeing how well the stand fit in, and getting it snug I applied the epoxy. I'm leaving the stand free for transport. But now to jazz it up alittle.

So the base is large, and I didn't want to leave it with just rocks and grass. So my idea was have wolves running beneath it. To give it action, and motion. Defiantly need to get a proper photo set up, having a hard time getting a big guy like this lite.

So here is the finished model. Jumping again into the future quickly. I'll add some more insignia later in a few spots, but otherwise I'll call it good.

Finally a look at the base.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Slow progress

This guy I actually did about the same time as Erik Morkai, just after I finished him. Since then in the few games I've played these two have been reaping a heavy toll on the enemies of humanity.
He is also one of the longest owned models I have.

Finally getting near the finish on the storm wolf. Just clean up then the highlighting, and finish it off with some freehand and decals.

And finally a little distraction that is on my mind because I will be running a game at Adepticon on Friday. This is my command squad for the Executioners project in which I will be building the entire 3rd company. 

I still have some puddy work to do on the standard bearer, but I should finish a certain plane first, and thunder calvery before I sucked in the wrong direction. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Prepare for take off

Well I have finished with my ordeal of terrain mountain for the short term at least. I had worked on this here storm wolf I got for a commission you will see more of later, and even though I knew I couldn't truly find the time to finish it till after the renegade open, I had to work on it a little. So I cut it out and cleaned, then got the pilot and cockpit done. Will have to tape up the canopy before painting the rest. Glue him in, and then paint the hold. Glue up the rest and finish the outside.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wolf lord

Finally, finally I have finished a model. Too many projects remains the name of the game for me. 

Here we have him, the big man, Wolf Lord Erik Morkai.

With terrain construction dominating all non-work time for weeks now preparing for the Renegade Open www.renegadeopen.com I've been getting nothing personal done.

A small amount of time had been going into my thunder wolves, and a construction project for a friend of mine. 

This will be a mechanicus tank for his inquisition forces serving as a shadow sword.

Photos of my terrain efforts will make its way on here soon. Before the final product makes it way on here, this is the earlier stages.

And the debris

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Send in the cavalry.

I have taken beatings before but not like I did last Sunday at the local Feast of Blades Qualifier. Going in I knew I would not be the most equipped to deal with knight titans, or some Death Stars. Three games,  and four knights later, I knew I must play their game to have a reason to go to tournaments. Especially after the top three players took almost four hundred dollars in prizes with no prize for paint, sports, anything other then power gaming. Enough of my whining and onto the blood soaked vengeance. 

First answer, thunder wolf cavalry. Now I've had one painted for awhile to lead the fenrisian wolves, four others sitting around waiting, and then with the pieces to make a sixth I've built a mounted iron priest.

Let the hunt begin.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Boss man coming up.

There has been a lot of little work on many projects since I last posted. None which has amounted to much yet. With the new space wolves codex, and it's special detachment allowing true hero hammer with six HQ slots I've decided that it is a great idea, and I'll do it. So I begun work on my wolf lord Erik Morkai, and his buds. 

And the dudes wearing big armour.

Let's see if they can be done by Thursday.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Cemetery gates.

Behold the refuge of the dead. Enter the eternal silence of their realm. 

I have finished the graveyard for dreamers games. Put more time in then I wanted to but I can't help myself. Had to cut some detail work short, but I would probably still be painting skulls right now if I didn't. We won't mention the roses either.

Some small detail shots of fun little spots that I am sure will be noticed and appreciated all time whilst is being used in games.

Finally here is the cemetery with the center pieces removed to demonstrate its versitility in game play.

Lost in necropolis...


Sunday, August 3, 2014


So I have been pulled away from working on the long fangs by the need to start getting terrain done for the Renegade Open, and the fire being smothered by bad models, terrible ideas, and a disregard for twenty years of space wolf history. But we'll wait for next Friday. Now here is some photos of what is being worked on in their early stages.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Deathstalker rides

So Haakon Deathstalker and predator are finished.

Next up long fangs. Gotta get these done before new kits start coming out so I get tempted by new toys. 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Predator tank

Well so far here is were I started with my predator a few days ago

And here is were I'm at the moment.

The highlighting and scuffing of these vehicles always takes alittle out of me when it gets to that time. But now I'm close to finishing, did finish Haakon just so I could have him for the post here.

Even though he isn't lite that well.